The “Unboxing” ceremony is a treasured rite in Geekism, and one can find many boxes for many different occasions. But when the president of Nintendo gets involved, you’re immediately transported to another dimension. Read more…
Air New Zealand is an airline famous for its unusual flight safety videos and this time, I must say they’ve hit my inner geek hard with a Hobbit-themed version. Read more…
This is an old video, but I like it. All things retro are at the essence of being “nostalgeek” Read more…
For those who follow geek-related news, Apple has updated the operating system of its mobile products (iPad, iPhone, iPod) to iOS 6.
This new OS offers a bit of a surprise by removing all the internal Google products, including Google Maps.
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This funny little video called “Steve Jobs : Resurrection” from Mondo Media features the ghost of Steve Jobs returning to deliver the keynote speech on Apple’s new iPhone 5 (sorry, I mean iFhone 5 ). Read more…
I didn’t know where exactly to place this video: travel? geek? It’s a little bit of both… But because of its technical aspect of the maps Google has released, I decided to classify it under “Geek”. And so, finally, here’s the geeky video called “Hello World”. Read more…
Freddie Wong is a must for any geek who spends time on Youtube – which is, ultimately, any geek. His newest video highlights an epic battle between heroes of old video games and those of recent games. Read more…
What geek wars are you missing? 2D vs. 3D, Star Trek vs. Star Wars, Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis… Well, there’s the newest, most useless fight of all and it takes place in the video entitled “Useless Fight”! Read more…
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